Shipping info

Products are only shipped to EU countries unless explicitly and confirmed in writing by Magdalena.

Magdalena will deliver the ordered goods as soon as possible to the address provided by the Purchaser and this while stocks last.

All orders are shipped directly from Garde-robe Nationale store in Antwerp on weekdays during opening hours from Monday to Friday. Orders made after pickup on Friday afternoon will be shipped on Tuesday.

Incorrect shipping addresses are the sole responsibility of the Purchaser and can lead way to charging extra shipping costs at the expense of the Purchaser.

Except for a well-defined stipulation to the contrary, prices do not include the shipping and delivery costs.

Shipping and delivery costs are clearly and separately stated.

The stated delivery period is not binding, it is merely an approximate indication. No delay in delivery can lead to cancel the agreement or to the payment of a claim made by the Purchaser in favour of the Purchaser unless this delay was intended.

Magdalena has the right to make partial deliveries.

In case of non-delivery of the goods, the Purchaser is entitled to a complete refund of the paid sums without interest or other reimbursement.